Today we talk about having a difference of opinion, different podcasts can keep things fresh. This can be used in choosing a co-host, and you can also see that even if another podcaster is doing a show on the subject you've chosen to podcast about, you are both individuals and you will bring your own personality to the microphone. We also talk with the creator of Call in Studio a great tool for those who are looking to do a live podcast.
Because of my Podcast..A Punctured Lung Wasn't so Bad [2:12]
Josh from the Braver By the Day podcast explains how he had lost an Uncle, had a punctured lung and many other horrible items going on in his life. When he logged into iTunes and saw that he was listed in New and Noteworthy, the pain of life drifted away.
Dave Jackson Interviewed on Other Shows [4:54]
I was interview on the Better by the Day Podcast (episode 8).
I also appeared on the Success Freaks Show (episode 114)
Picking a Co-Host [7:55]
One of my favorite podcast is from Mike and Izabela Russle of Music Radio Creative and I noticed that on occasion they will disagree on a topic. This husband and wife team have great chemistry, and because of their diverse background (Mike comes from Radio, and Izabela handles the marketing and business side) they will disagree occasionally. When they do it creates engaging content. This is because its is legitimate and real (unlike the “controversial/manufactured” topics in the new media).
With this in mind, as much as you want to start a podcast with your best friend that you've known since you came out of the womb, you might consider someone who has a different point of view. It might make more engaging content.
If you need an intro made for your podcast check out Music Radio Creative
Jim Collison volunteered to be a co-host of the Ask the Podcast Coach show, and I agreed because I don't think we will agree on everything.
Two Podcasters – One Topic – Two View Points [17:43]
If you think you shouldn't do a podcast because someone is already doing a podcast about that subject, realize that everyone has their own history, their own life experience, and that's what makes your podcast unique. Today I play a clip from Erik K Johnson of the Podcast Talent Coach show. Then I play a clip from episode on conducting smooth interviews.
In the clips, Erik is talking about developing good questions. In my clip I was talking about the technology involved to make sure people get notified and reminded about their appointment to be interviewed. We both agreed on subjects like not asking yes/no questions.
If you haven't hear my interview of Erik, you can hear it here.
Sean Saulsbury of Call in Studio [27:52]
I spoke about this technology in a previous episode, and I really like the technology if you don't want to spend the $40 for Blog Talk Radio, you can use a system like Call in Studio and save money. This is a great system that ties into any podcast/ radio production (there are people who have shows on Satelite radio that are using the system). Today we meet Sean Saulsbury. who is the man behind the service. Sean has his own podcasts about movies (his passion).
You get a $10 credit to try out the account. You can take that credit and buy a number for your show. The system is really flexible. You can:
Have a call screener
Have a guest call in via phone.
You can dictate how many callers you can have on hold. You will also be notified if you run out of lines.
You can add notes about a person who calls, and you can actually see their phone number (and you want you can have the system call people).
You can record mp3 files and replace the prompts that your callers here.
You can choose to allow people to hear the show or music when they are put on hold.
You can check it out at www.callinstudio.com
You can hear what it sounds like from a Listener's point of view at the 42:29 mark where Ryan K Parker (who was nice enough to record his side) calls into the show.
Your Podcast Questions Answered [45:24]
The Yamaha MG102C Mixer Explained
I clear up my information about the Yamaha MG102C mixer which I reviewed a few episodes ago. DJ City seems to think this has a noise gate. While this mixer has a compressor it does not have a noise gate. I have a noise gate plugged in externally. I also recommend the Seismic Audio mixers which provide the same quality and sound for a smaller price.
What Do You Think of Google Numbers For Podcasts?
I have a Google voice number. The recorded audio is just as good as you get any place else. My worry is putting faith in Google to never close this service. The Google Graveyard is pretty full. Currently Google seems to be killing things that don't make them money. There are services like k7.net. However, if you don't get a call ever 30 days you lose your number (and this is embarrassing, and your back catalog will have a reference to a number you no longer own). That's why I use podcastvoicemail.com (affiliate link) which is only $2 a month and .06 a minute. You own the number. It will never go away unless you cancel your account. If I don't get a call in a month, I'm out $2.
You Can Save 25% at HostGator
Use the coupon code ” podcastcoach” at www.schoolofpodcasting.com/hosting to save 25%.
Next Group Coaching Class Starts November 2
If you are looking for live podcasting class, the next “Start a Podcast in Six Weeks” class on November 2. Go to www.howtopodcast.com

I can see Google eventually killing Feedburner, but I don’t think they’ll do that to Google Voice. They’ve stated that the future of Google Voice is Hangouts. They are going to roll Voice into Hangouts as part of their goal of making a unified messaging app. They haven’t provided a timeline for when this will occur, however, and it’s possible some Voice features will disappear at first upon integration before they can be fully worked into the Hangouts app.