One of the benefits of podcasting is you get to talk to experts. For me, LinkedIn is my weakest social platform. I know I should do more, but I don't. Well, 2024 is right around the corner, and LinkedIn is on the radio, so I brought on Daniel Alfon (who has been on LinkedIn since 2004, has written a book on LinkedIn, offers courses, coaching, etc, and generally knows this stuff when it comes to LinkedIn and he answers all my questions.
About Daniel Alfon
Daniel has trained thousands of people on LinkedIn, He has developed a simple method to help leaders reach their objective – without cold connecting, paying for a premium account, advertising or trying to become someone else. If your audience is 40+ entrepreneurs who want to leverage LinkedIn to get leads and revenues authentically and organically, check him out at
Interview Takeaways: The Power of LinkedIn
‘It's best to trim your network and build a quality network.
The best headline would make your prospect stop and want to discover more about who you are and what you do.
LinkedIn is probably the only major platform where we can succeed without sharing much. It doesn't mean you don't have to share, but your content strategy can come after you optimize your presence and network.
At the end of the day, you don't say, wow, I have 3,000 connections. You say, my bank account next quarter will show a 30% increase, thanks to the actions I performed, thanks to LinkedIn, and forget about the vanity metrics Of LinkedIn.
If someone wants to connect on LinkedIn and add you to your network and you don't know them, then you can build that relationship outside of LinkedIn and keep your connections at a high quality.
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Episode 722 on LinkedIn
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