My wordpress sites www.supportthisshow.com and www.stageclothes.net both got hacked over the weekend. The good news is the hackers only performed the following:
They changed my password which made it impossible to login to my wordpress.
They changed the index.php
Here is how I fixed it:
Login to your website control panel.
Go to Php Myadmin
Click on yrou wordpress database.
Click on wpUsers
Click on the browser button
Click on Edit
Enter your email address.
Go back to your website and request the password be sent.
Go to your email and click the link that is sent to confirm the request.
The new password is sent. Copy it and paste it into the login screen.
Now that you are in, click on Users and change your user password.
To get the front page back to normal, install wordpress on your website (from scratch). Go into the index.php page and copy that code. Then copy this code into your hacked index.php file removing all code from that file before pasting in the new code. When you save it and refresh the screen you should see your site come back. If not they may have deleted your data. Then you can go in and delete your second installation of WordPress.
One great tool to back up your wordpress installation is a plugin call WP-DB-Backup. Which I originally heard on the Internet Business Mastery podcast with Jason Van Orden (who I met at the first Podcast Expo). This backs up your tables in the event that things go horribly wrong and ALL your data is taken and deleted. It's better to be safe than sorry.
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