I was speaking with Rabbi Steve again, and he was very excited as he is preparing to launch his podcast. He was able to score an interview with an “A list” celebrity in his niche. When he spoke with the person they told him he had 15 minutes for the interview. It turns out this person liked to talk, and ended up talking to Steve for 2 hours. This was quite the “home run” for Steve. The knee jerk reaction is to release this interview in one shot. After all your audience is going to be as excited as you are. But wait.
You get excited, you get your audience excited. They consume all of your content and they say WOW! that was awesome. I WANT MORE. The bad news is you have no more content. Maybe you find some content, but not quite the same level of “score” as your interview. Your audience may be disappointed. If you have no new information, they may get tired of waiting for more information and walk away.
The solution?
As a member of the School of Podcasting Rabbi Steve knows to pace yourself and that's exactly what he is going to do. He has so much information from this interview, that he is going to use it as a segment in each podcast. Its great content, and as the old saying goes, “Leave them asking for more.”
The key to this is, while you are staggering the content over time, you can be out finding the next “phenomenal” information that will continue to have your audience coming back for more.
One of the things you may consider if you are starting a new podcast is to record a few episodes in advance. This will help you see just what is involved with recording an episode, and it will also allow you to focus on new episodes while the pre recorded episodes are time released.