Podcasting can help you be seen as an expert. You will hear about how it helped Darren Dake of the Coroner Talk Podcast land a dream job. If you want to join in on the conversation use the options on our Contact Page, or call 888-563-3228. Also, don't forget you can be entered to win a free year at the School of Podcasting by taking our Audience Survey. (Contest ends 1/30/15 with the winner being announced on the Ask the Podcast Coach show).
Podcast Award Nominations Open January 19th
If you want to nominate your show, and have your audience nominate your show, go to www.podcastawards.com
Win a Trip To New Media Expo
We are looking for people who will take all the shows that are nominated for a podcast award and score their show. There is a base set of criteria, and we will have a webinar to show you how to go about it. If you review four categories (about 16 hours of work) you will receive a pass to the new media expo (travel is not covered). You can review less than categories (it is not mandatory). If you are interested, go to www.schoolofpodcasting.com/par
If you thinking of going to New Media Expo then use the coupon sop2015 to save 20% For more information go to schoolofpodcasting.com/nmx
Because of His Podcast Darren Dake [8:50]
Darren has been involved in death scene investigating. After podcasting on a separate topic for a year, he decided to podcast about what he knew. He started coronertalk.com and his podcast was designed to help others who didn't have access to training to their job better. Being so niche, when people in this field find this show they love it. Consequently, his podcast positioned him as a trainer, a leader, and someone who knows what he is talking about and now he is the director of training for the Association of Deputy Sheriffs for the state of Missouri. Darren feels his podcast put him in a position to be seen as an authority, as someone who obviously has a passion for teaching, and who knew what he was talking about. He will be developing training tracks and managing the whole training program. He had always eyed this job, but not pursued it. Now, because of his podcast, the job pursued him.
Darren had a previous show title Engaging Life and Leadership. Because of that show, he was a panelist at Podcast Movement. He decided to cease production of that show. They produced 65 episodes, and they “podfaded.” When I asked him why he explained how it just wasn't fun anymore. He and his co-host had said about all there was to say on the subject. He took his experience from Engaging Life and Leadership and used it to create Coroner Talk.
Last 5 in 5 – Darren Dake
Here are the last 5 podcasts that Darren listened to. If you want to send in your Last 5 in 5, visit our contact page. Be sure to tell us a little about your show and where we can find you.
Get Involved With The Show
Do you have a “Because of my Podcast” story? Want to send in the last 5 podcasts you listened to? Use the button below to record it right now.

I just found you and am so excited! This is the first episode I listened to… just have 400 plus to catch up. No sleep for me.
Quite surprising that Darren’s Engaging Life and Leadership podfaded even after being on your review show. That’s something to think about, maybe some people who are trying to get into the podcast space need to find what really connects with their hearts