Interviewing a Very Loyal Listener
Today we talk with “Carie P” who is a mega fan of the Geologic Podcast (www.geologicpodcast.com ) hosted by creative genius George Hrab. How funny is George? He's an atheist and I (a lifelong Christian) am a regular listener. Carie got together a bunch of fans of the show to create a podcast for the host (both on his 50th episode and 100th episode). In addition to being a fan, Carie has also purchased every one of George's products.
Podcast Secrets 2009
Podcast secrets has a TON of information this year, and it has a “Faculty” of podcast consultants (including ME) that will be contributing. Paul Colligan and Alex Mandossian always bring quality information that it would take months to find (let alone figure out how to use). To find out about the Preview call on April 9th click here. To sign up for the seminar go to www.secretswithdave.com
Listener Feedback
Daniel Johnson Jr of www.journeyinsidemymind.com answers the question, “Why did you unsubscribe to that podcast?” He says:
1. Lost his closeness with the host.
2. If the shows are too long he can't keep up.
3. Finding alternative methods (like pandora.com)
New BONUS For Members of the School of Podcasting
Now when you sign up at the School of Podcasting you get copy of the Ultimate Footer Ad FOR FREE as a bonus gift for signing up. Boost your podcast subscriptions with this great tool. ($47 value). UPDATE: The footer ad is no longer in existence, and hence this promotion is no longer in existence.