You Do have the Skills to Be a Podcaster
When you mix your car stereo volume, when you mix in the cream in your coffee, you have the ability to mix. When you attach a file in email, or upload an image in Facebook, you have file management skills. Today I talk about how you already have the skills to create a podcast.
Grow Your Audience the Jesus Way
Create life changing content
Go find your audience
Make friends with them
Tell them your message while being yourself
Get to the point.
Be consistent
Make deep relationships with those who follow you
Be relentless about telling everyone
Make it easy to consume your message
Always be thinking of your audience.
Mentioned on this Show
Stitcher Radio For Your Smart Phone
Use the activation code davej when you download the software at www.stitcher.com/davej
Rev. Kenn Blanchard and the Black Man With a Gun podcast

Daily Podcast Tips! Put Your Inbox to Work
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