Today I am back after speaking at a writers convention about building your own website, and podcasting. I knew Connie and Sheila were going to be there so I set up an interview. They have a great story and provide proof that podcasting builds business by:
1. Showing you are an expert
2. Building a relationship with your audience
3. Showing you are reliable
4. Leaving an “audio business card.”
The one piece of the puzzle that I want to point out is that Connie and Sheila had given their friend (who worked at the bank) a business card that pointed the seller to their website. Make sure everyone you know has your business card that directs them back to your website.
For more information about Connie and Sheila chec k out their website at www.connieandsheilatalk.com
Connie Releases a New Book Thinking Consciously Rocks!
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Love Connie & Shelia! They have a super podcast. Great interview,
This is a great Podcast ! I really enjoyed it , Connie is my daughter , I am very proud of her , she has helped me change my thinking , Connie & Sheila are both great , they are inspiring , loving , giving , helpful , kind , thankful , generous , happy , fun , everyone loves to be around them – they just make you feel better !! Thank You for the great interview .
Excellent podcast with Connie and Sheila…very informative and inspiring.
Hey Dave: thanks again for the interview. Sheila and I enjoyed spending time with you. Shelia Butler, thank you for being so special to us. And of course my Mother, God love her. She is just a bit biased. Love you Mom.