Answering Audience Questions
Is a podcast a good way to promote a multi-level marketing (MLM) business?
If your sole goal of a podcast is to generate income, you need to realize a few things:
- Nobody tunes into an infomercial on purpose (usually it's that there is nothing else on)
- You make money from your podcast by delivering value. This helps people like you because you're helpful.
- When people trust you, they may purchase something you recommend or provide.
- It takes time to develop the relationship between you and your audience.
So whatever your product is, your industry, if you have tips on running that business, using that product, news about that industry, then it might be helpful. Figure out who your target audience is and make the information that they want to consume.
Starting a Podcast With My Child
On the second leg of a trip home from VT to TN, I spent 8 hours in the car listening to your voice yesterday. And enjoyed it thoroughly. Thanks for the great content!
I've been listening to podcasts for years and am thinking of starting one with my 11 year old son. We have a concept and I'm going to put him through the paces of evaluating and starting a business (I've had an online business for 20 years) with the intention that he'd be doing this for the next 8 years at least until he leaves home. So, it's a long term strategy for us (we're doing the project whether we broadcast it or not, so we may as well). And I'm sort of tagging on the biz training for him and see if we can develop it into a part time job for him (I'm launching on another biz that this coincides with as well).
My question for you is this…there's plenty of info out there on the tech side of the equation and plenty of courses like SOP on getting started (which we may do in a few months) and marketing info, etc., but either I'm not seeing or just not looking in the right places for resources on the broadcasting skills side.
Obviously, just doing it is a huge bit of it. But, I'd like to be able to talk him through the skills needed and how to get them in a general way. We're interviewing a radio friend about interviewing next week, but I thought I would ask you…Do you have any resources that you could point us to on developing the broadcast skills needed to make a great show (assuming the content is great and the tech is listenable)?
Thanks for any direction you could give, I appreciate your time!
Michelle – cornerstonepromos.com
Marketing Minutes – Brandi Young
Brandi Young is a software developer who has been working with podcasters on some software. Though interviews she has found that many podcasters are relying too much on iTunes when there is a whole other world of tools to Market your Podcast. Check out her website at www.bigactiveaudience.com
New Features Coming to Podcasting
Blubrry will be launching Podcast Sites. This is a free website based on WordPress.
Libsyn has destination stats, audio files to YouTube, Episode Defaults, Entranced ID3 tags
Spreaker is coming out with a new CMS
Use the coupon sopfree at any of these companies to get a free month (full discloser I work for Libsyn).
Podcast Rewind
I appeared on round 73 of the Podcasters Rountable talking about branding your podcast
I appeared on Episode two of the Membership Coach show with Marcus Couch talking about the Burden and the Benefit of Membership sites.
Check out Paul Colligan's Look back at 10 years of Video with Lauria Petrucci (Cali Lewis)
Last 5 in 5 Cale Nelson
Cale Neslon from the Ham Radio 360 Show shares the last 5 podcasts he listened to.
School of Podcasting (this show)
Wealth Steading (howto invest)
Mentioned in this Episode
Feeding My Faith – Does God Have Brain Damage?
Podcast Movement Almost Sold Out. Use the coupon code sop40
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It is the little things that make Dave so good at what he does. The tip on Grammarly just made my life so much easier. Thanks Dave!
I think of it as potential blackmail.
I’m looking forward to podcasting with my grandkids.
Tell Brandy that she MUST start a podcast. What a great resource! Thanks for the intro.
Love, love, love your advice to podcast with your kids! When the going gets tough cranking out an episode with my own brood your wisdom helps me remember why it’s worth pushing through.
Someday I expect, not to be miserable, but to have a bit of a bittersweet smile on my face as I recall how my little ones cut their teeth on audio presentation.
Thanks once again for providing us with such practical wisdom and motivation!