Today we answer the question about iTunes. If it is osing influence in podcasting then what is replacing it?
Apple's 1 click subscription was revolutionary back in the day. Now even apple requires you to click two to three times to subscribe to a podcast. In the meantime different apps to listen to podcast have sprouted up, and they now offer one click (meaning ONE) and the “magic” of iTunes is now not so special. To see how to subscribe to podcast, check out www.learntosubscribe.com
Seasons Discussion Revisited
I got an email from James Shulfer who mentioned that he does a show that has seasons. What can you do in the “off” season. Here are a couple of ideas for James who deals with a minor league baseball team.
1. Go for the “behind the scenes” info interview the mascot, owner, coach, music player, hot dog vendor.
2. Be sure to tell your audience what to expect during the off season.
3. Record these episodes during the season while people are around.
4. If you can't get additional information, then re-purpose “best of” snippets to keep people tuned in.
Dave Interviewed on Struggling Entrepreneur Podcast
I was interview on the Struggling Entrepreneur podcast about my book More Podcast Money, and my plans for the School of Podcasting (and future projects). You can listen to it here.
More Free Podcast Music
If you are looking for free production music, check out www.schoolofpodcasting.com/freemusic where you pay for shipping only ($8).
Previous Podcast Mentioned

Thanks for mentioning Miro. I’ve been using gPodder, but it’s a pain to configure the sync. Miro is beautiful, easy to set up, and best of all (to me), it converts video to audio right there inside the program so I can listen to all those M4V and MP4 files that won’t play on my Sansa Clip+. (Why don’t people realize it’s a good idea to release audio-only versions of their talking-head video conference recordings?)