Today I talk about a topic I DON'T Believe in, and that is podcasting without using WordPress. However, there are those occasions where someone already has a website on another platform, they don't want to move their website to WordPress, and all they want is to be in iTunes and have a player on their current website for others to listen to the show. Well you can do that. We also hear about a podcast success stories from Dan of the $X$ podcast. I also talk about having a passion for your topic, and some reflections from podcasting live.
Because of My Podcast I Raced in the Baja 1000 [2:25]
Dan from the 4X4 podcast explains how was able to race in the Baja 1000 which is the longest continuous race in the world. He want to watch the race someday. He got involved with an organization (hero off road) that puts veterans with race teams. As Dan has military experience, he contacted them. He was able to go from his home in New York down to Mexico and race. He didn't to do the complete race, but he did participate. He was able to get involved with the community, the culture, and experience first hand what the Baja 100 was like. Check out Dan's podcast at www.4x4podcast.com
Starting a Podcast at Age 60 [7:30]
James sent me an email (he is a new member of the School of Podcasting) and pointed out his thoughts:
Dave I am 60 years old and am in early retirement. I was in industrial design and prototyping. I am using the process of learning how to create a podcast as a way of reinventing my self and discovering who I am. The process of learning how to create a podcast has been very therapeutic for me.
My podcast is a work in progress and it is scripted science fiction. I also play a little classical guitar and I am working on creating my own background music.
I will be purchasing a domain name asap (“Made Up Tech” if still available) and obtaining a web host and I will start exploring WordPress.
I am very slow but I am steady. I hope to release my first episode in March 2013.
I appreciate all your help and will keep you informed on my progress and I will have some questions.
I just purchased my Domain name (madeuptech.com) I am currently working on my art work for podcast and web sight. I will contact you in the next few weeks on obtaining a web host.
Podcasting is therapeutic as everyone wants/needs to be listened to, and you can find like minded people. You can be creative, and embrace your passion. James purchased his domain, and he has picked a direction and how slow or fast is not really important. The point is he is moving in the direction he wants to go. Pat Flynn says his public speaking has been given a boost as he is a more confident speaker because of his podcast.
Spotlight Podcast: Profitable Hospitality [14:00]
Profitable Hospitality is where I share ideas and inspiration about the ‘state of the industry'. Check back regularly for updates about restaurant, cafe, club, bar, hotel management and marketing. The mission of Profitable Hospitality is to make your business more profitable, popular, efficient and enjoyable – please leave comments and share your ideas. You can find it at profitablehospitality.com
Co Hosting the Podcast Review Show
My wife's health is a hurdle right now to her podcasting, and I'm still producing episodes. If you would like to be a temporary co-host, be sure to contact me. I typically record these on Monday and Thursday nights (or Saturday afternoon).
Podcasting Without WordPress [18:20]
We start this segment with a comment from Brian of the Hayseereport.com who was reviewed on the Podcast Review Show and I told him that the best tool to use is WordPress (he was using Droopal). He eventually switched and let me know just how easy it is to podcast with WordPress.
If you have a website already and you are not able to switch to a new platform (like WordPress) you can use web hosting solutions like Libsyn.com and Blubrry.com and these will create basic blogs and allow you to add the details that iTunes needs. The reason I recommend both those solutions (Libsyn.com and Blubrry.com) is they would allow you to redirect your feed and let you leave (as you will probably decide to switch to WordPress later).
Debbie Nigro is a client of mine, and had her empire at www.stillababe.com so we set her up on Libsyn.com and then later used the Blubrry.com player. Libsyn provided all the details to get her into iTunes. She gets her stats on downloads from Libsyn (which you could do from blubrry.com as well). I would avoid podbean.com, podomatic, and other free services as they will hijack your feed. See this video to explain this better.
Reflections from Podcasting Live [30:55]
I've been using spreaker.com and streaming my show live on Saturday Mornings. Live is a completely different beast, and I typically don't recommend it if you are just starting out as it does add a new level of difficulty. If you are going to try this, go through and do test shows (a few), and make sure you completely understand every button on mixer, and if you are using spreaker, their dashboard. I was talking for about a minute and a half and I could see the lights blinking from my microphone. What I didn't see is that I had purposely muted my microphone, but had forgotten to un-mute myself. If you are going this route, be sure to know your equipment. You can catch me live at 11 AM on Saturday mornings by going to www.schoolofpodcasting.com/live
Podcast with the Passion of B.B. King
This week I saw B.B. King perform live in Akron, Ohio. He is 86 years old. Possibly due to his diabetes, he no longer stands when he plays. He sits. I had great seats, and his band was performing without hi to get the audience warmed up (they are GREAT musicians). I could see where B.B. had been wheeled up on to the stage in the back behind a curtain. Three guys lifted him up, he slowly walked across the stage (with the three men close enough to catch him if needed). He greeted the crowd who were on their feed applauding, and then sat down and played for 90 minutes. His passion for entertaining people was undeniably obvious.
I once has someone ask me, “So how long are you going to be doing this podcasting thing.” To this I answer, “You will more than likely pry a microphone from my cold dead hands.” Podcasting allows me to be creative. It allows me to make friends with people from all over the world. Podcasting allows me to be heard in a world where people aren't always interested in what you have to say. Your audience will find you. I'm have complete control over my content, schedule, flow, etc (in a world that is often “HAVE TO” this and “HAVE TO” that). I love podcasting, and I hope someday I can help you find your passion, your voice, and your audience. Let the good times roll indeed.
Mentioned in this Episode