Today I exposure my mistake using voiceemotion.com to record Kevin Bromber from Nowlive.com so instead of embarrassing myself, (and the fact that Skype broke down), I used my “recount” of the interview with Kevin. We also get a last 5 in 5, and I announce some future shows.
Opening From Gary of www.podcastpickle.com
LAST 5 IN 5 Courtesy of Fred Castaneda http://folkloricomusicdance.blogspot.com
1. The Morning Announcements
2. Marketing Online Live www.marketingonlinelive.com
3. Podcast Tools www.podcastools.com
4. Podcasting Underground www.podcastingunderground.com
5. Podcast Secrets (Premium). (check out www.secretswithdave.com )
Dave Talks About his conversation with Kevin Bromber The CEO and founder of www.nowlive.com (this was lost due to operator error). A new service that you can use that (as a Marquee user ) you can get high quality phone calls recorded (pricing on a case by case basis).
Of course, I could avoid all of this by using (you guessed it www.nowlive.com )
Other Sites Mentioned
Brian Dima and the Dima Cast www.dimacast.com
Voice Emotion Software www.voiceemotion.com
Nowlive.com www.nowlive.com
Coming in Future Shows:
Review of the Behringer Podcast Kit
Review of a Zoom H4.
Download This Guide on Taking Phone Calls On Your Podcast