Today we answer questions about emember, the Audio Technica ATR2100usb microphone, changing the name of your podcast in the RSS feed, and we talk with Gary Leland of whose has opened doors through podcasting.
Social Proof That Podcasting Works
I got a four page email from a listener Kyle from
This does create a strange area where I have to showcase something that may appear to be bragging. I can only comment on things that happen to me. Please don’t take this as a “Look how cool Kyle thinks I am,” but I can’t comment on the emails you receive.When this email came in, I knew I had to share some insights as it proves everything I’ve been saying about podcasting.
He started listening when he was 16 (he's 23 now).
He listened to ALL of my podcasts. Even the podcasts where he had no interest in the topic.
He said, “Listening to you has become equally enjoyable as it is educational for me, and I'll sit through a whole episode that I KNOW has absolutely no value to me, just because I trust what you have to say and like how you present it.
And it's equally strange that you didn't know some kid way out in Arizona was so impacted by your words.
I probably wouldn't be where I am today if I hadn't been listening to your ideas and recommendations since high school.”
Kyle trusts me enough to sample anything I put out because I have not betrayed his trust. He is now a college graduate with a marketing degree. I'm going to be working with Kyle as he wants to give back to the guy he feels has given him so much.
As a trainer, my goal is help people. I want people to leave my classroom in better shape then when they entered. With the Internet, the world is now my classroom, and I was deeply touched by Kyle's email.
Follow Up On Emember and S2Member
Emember is a cool plugin that you can use to create a membership site. I used it on my site and I had some minor issues with the email part of the system not working (probably forgot a setting somewhere). To make a long story short I had started playing with Digital Access Pass, and I had eliminated the learning curve with that membership script so instead of learning emember (and working through my minor issues) I just continued working with Digital Access Pass. Their support is like no other site I've had.
I had someone ask about S2member stating it did everything Digital Access Pass does. It's free. Their website said it could do protected RSS feeds, and I could never get that to work with a podcast situation. Their support consisted of a forum with three other people asking about the same problem. When me emails were finally received replies, I put into place the steps that were suggested. They didn't work. I even made a video showing how it didn't work. I never received a reply about the video from the S2Member people (you get what you pay for with free).
There is a great website with tons of tutorials that will show you how to build a membership site with tutorials on emember, genesis, thesis, and more. Check it out at
What Name Should I Use For My Podcast?
Jefferson writes in with two potential names for his podcast and cant' decide which one is better. Here are some things to consider:
1. Ask your friends what they think of when they hear the title. Whatever their description is if it matches your podcast use that name. Give them one title at a time.
2. Google those names and see what else comes up and see which name is more popular. You can use their keyword tool.
3. Probably the most important step is to see what name has a website URL ( called a domain name) available. If you have multiple names, and multiple websites are available, buy them all until you can decide. I've had numerous people check and see that the domain name is available only to go back a week later and it's not. You can check a domain's status at
For more tips on naming your podcast see this post
Plugging a Mic Directly into a Portable Recorder
Gene has a Zoom H1, and the ATR2100 and is trying to plug the 2100 directly into the H1. The blue light on the microphone is not working. Via email I found out that Gene's cord had two rings on the 1/8″ end which means it's stereo. I suggested that he go to a Guitar Center (or other local music store) and see if he can test an XLR to 1/8 MONO cable
It might be easier to use the little “baby mixer” from Behringer. It's only $40.
Changing the Name of Your RSS Feed
For people using Linux, this causes some minor irritations. Uwe said via email, “For each show it generates a folder into which it stores the relative episodes. And guess, what it uses as folder names? Right: The title in your RSS-feed.
Therefore, every time you change your RSS title, I end up with another folder for the same show. This is not a big problem, I can merge the folders using the new name and everything is fine. But in my case, I then sync these folders with my MP3 player. So every time I have to do the same on the MP3 player or change my syncing script. Again, not a big problem but a small nuisance.”
Thanks for the heads up Uwe.
Gary Leleand's is Seen as THE FAST PITCH Authority Because of Podcasting
In this interview you hear:
Gary does not consider himself very technical.
Gary is driving traffic to his sporting goods store
Gary is serving a narrow niche. It's not baseball, it's softball. Not just softball, but fast pitch. Not just fast pitch, but women's fastpitch.
Gary is being recognized (as his is a video podcast) at national events.
Gary is seen as an authority.
Gary has been offered jobs because he is seen as an authority on the sport.
Gary is not afraid to try new things.
Gary is talking about a subject he loves.
Check out his websites at and and
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