School of Podcasting Subscribers will now get a month in the USATDOAY.com's Blogger and Podcaster guide (a $49 savings) for FREE. If you want to stay in the online version (or the printed version that will be published once a week) you can get 20% (online) and 25% off (printed) version of the guide.
Yes you can save $50 by spending $20. Keep in mind that you can sign up and cancel your subscription anytime.
Bob Packet from “History According to Bob” (www.hostoryaccordingtobob.com ) who has taken his passion for history, and his now profitting from his podcast by selling his old back catalogue as single episodes, as CDs, as CD sets. He is using a shopping cart www.mals-e.com
For more information go to www.historyaccordingtobob.com