Today I let you listen to a Samson R10S micropone sounds like. I purchased it at best Buy for around $23 dollars. The interesting thing is I can purchase this microphone at Amazon for $3. This probably explains why it sounds like a $3 microphone.
Podcast Co-Hosts Checklist
From Steeden Crowe via the Vociemail button on the right side of the screen.
“Where do you find a co-host?”
Typically co-hosts come from people you hang around with or are in your community (in this case photographers). I don't know of any “find a co-host” specific resources. As for other podcasters, I would find one that fits your idea and regularly contribute, and the host may eventually ask you to co-host. Some people enjoy being in control (a solo podcaster makes all the decisions and has say over every aspect). With that said here are some things to think about when it comes to co-host.
1. Time zone (makes it hard to get together when there is a 6 hour difference).
2. Passion. They need to match your passion for the subject.
3. Readiness. You are ready to go. Do they need to wait 6 months before buying their first microphone?
4. Schedule: It takes 4 minutes for every minute of produced podcast (so a 15 minute podcast takes an hour). You need to decide on weekly, twice a week, once a month. Whatever the schedule is stick to it, but make sure your co-host and you agree on it.
Then once you get a co-host you need to get in writing:
1. Who owns the name of the podcast (see Pink Floyd) .
2. What happens if someone quits.
3. What will get someone fired.
4. Who does what (one may do all the technical while the other handles twitter and facebook, etc).
5. How will you split up the money if any rolls in?
For now do you know anyone in your immediate circles that might be interested? If not go to a forum for photography and mention you are thinking of starting a podcast and are looking for a potential co-host.
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I'm Speaking at Blogworld in NYC
I was asked by Cliff Ravenscraft to speak at this year's Blog World in New York City. It's June 5-7. They are looking to really boost the Podcasting track this year. having Cliff at the helm should be a fun boost. When I heard Daniel Lewis and Ray Ortega (and possibly Dave Thackery), I was like “I'm there!”. I'll be speaking on a panel, and possibly more. If you're looking for a great conference to help you understand blogging, podcasting, and new media, this is THE conference. I'll keep you posted as to exact times and sessions I'll be involved in.