I was chatting on Catherine Kames www.myspace.com/goosenotchicken and she had given up on trying to create a podcast. Where did she get hung up? Creating the RSS feed. Catherine is getting hung up on the same part that most people get hung up on (so don't feel bad). The good news is there is an easy solution.

Well the easiest way to create an RSS feed is to use WordPress. It's free, and if you order hosting on a service like Host Gator, you can have this free software installed in minutes (tutorials available at the school of podcasting). Once WordPress is installed, if you have the skills to use a word processor as well as copy and paste – YOU can create a podcast.

Listener Email

Ustream.tv question

Michael at says, “I enjoyed your podcast. One of the few that I listened to all the way through.

I think that broadcasting through Ustream is the way to go. Just wanted to ask why you wanted to record the live show on something other than Ustream. They also have a record button so you wouldn't have to run the other program. Maybe their record quality isn't good enough, but since you didn't mention recording or not recording using Ustream's record feature I wasn't sure.”

Here is a question from Mike:

Michael Britt here from The Psych Files podcast.  Just wanted to let you know that I love your School of Podcasting podcast and have for a long time.  I've been podcasting for almost 3 years and people sometimes
contact me and ask questions about podcasting.  Finally I decided to create a map that contains information and links to various books, software, equipment, etc., that I think interested folks will find helpful.  Just wanted to let you know that I have a link to your site from this map because I feel confident that you would be the go-to guy if
someone wanted to start or build their podcast.  Here's the link:


You don't have to put this link on your site (I'm not asking for a link back or anything).  I just wanted to let you know that I think you're doing great work and I'm happy to send people your way.

Take care,


What Makes You Unsubscribe?
Maurice from the Netherlands (www.intralog.nl) states that with some podcasts, when you first find them they are great. However, years later the show just doesn't “do it for you” like they did when you first found them.

Podcasting News
Podcast Pickle is closing (most of it) at the end of January. More information Are podcasting message boards a thing of the past? One way to make a “mini board” is to install the “subscribe to comments” plugin for wordpress and now people can be notified when a new comment is posted. For more information check out the plugin's website

My Birthday is Next Week

I'm trying to raise money to buy a kindle (which I would use to read books and get more content for podcasts). Any funds will help.

Daily Podcast Tips

Daily Podcast Tips! Put Your Inbox to Work

About the Author
Owner of the School of Podcasting. Also produces the "Ask the Podcast Coach." He is also the author of the book "More Podcast Money" and is a regular speaker at podcasting and media conventions.
1 comment on “The Hardest Part of Podcasting
  1. Maurice Zondag says:

    Hey Dave,

    thanks for playing my voicemail in your show. It is truly awesome to connect to people at the other side of the world. I’ve got that same feeling with you guys over there. Keep up the good work!



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