Turning Your Email Newsletter into a Podcast
If you are producing an email newsletter, you already have the content for a podcast. When I mention this to some people they state, “I just want to use e-mail” or “I'm not geeky enough to create a podcast. Well if you can email a family member a photo, you have the technical skills to create a podcast. A couple of pointers:
1. Don't read your title. Instead use it to announce the episode.
2. Make some bullet points and “just talk” the article. When you read to people, it is still good information but its not a conversation. It's very one sided. Podcasting is about building a relationship with your audience, so why not instigate some two way communication.
One podcast that came close was the Publishize Your Way to Success Podcast (but I still felt like the communication was one way). None the less, it had great information and inspired me to download their software.
Using Youtube to Promote you Podcast.
Rev. Ken Blanchard sent in this note:
“I’ve been following, lurking, listening and learning from the School of Podcasting since 2008. No one else is as humble, down to earth and helpful as Dave has been for me. He helps you find solutions, new products and avoid wasting time. The Urban Shooter show is odd but owes some its success and my waning sanity to the School of Podcasting. Where else would you find a fun loving, zombie shooting, Harley riding, inspirational Christian pastor that encourages the American family on a pro-gun podcast?”
Pastor Kenn Blanchard, The Urban Shooter Podcast
Ken created a youtube video to point people to his show. Here it is
When creating a youtube description make sure the VERY FIRST THING you enter in your description is your website (your domain name, i.e. http://www.schoolofpodcasting.com )
Podcast Promo Swapping is Back
“Back in the Day” podcasts would create short 30 to 60 second promos (ads) for this podcast. They would “Swap” a promo with another podcaster (meaning each would play the other's promo on their show). As the podcast community continued to grow, we lost some of our closeness, and promo swapping just faded away.
After hearing person after person state they “missed the early days of podcasting” and asking “Remember when you would swap promos?” I decided to take action and put a website and idea into place. We currently take 12 podcasters and for 12 weeks each will play the same promo (for maximum exposure). For more information go to www.podcastpromoswap.com If the first group is filled up, sign up to be on the waiting list and I'll alert you when we launch group two.
If you don't have a promo there is a free report with tips on how to record a promo that will entice people to come check out your website.
If you don't have a promo (and don't want to record one) and are still looking for free podcast promotion, check out the free banner exchange system at www.podcastclicks.com

I like the promo swap! Nice to see that come back, good luck with it!