You probably know these items:

  • The pacemaker
  • Microwave Oven
  • Penicillin
  • The Inkjet printer
  • X-Rays
  • Artificial Sweetener
  • Post-it notes
  • Potato Chips
  • Coca Cola
  • Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • The Slinky
  • Silly Putty
  • Fireworks
  • Scotchguard
  • Frosted Flakes
  • LSD


What do they have in common? They were mistakes.

All of Those Items Were Mistakes

I was listening to Joe Rogan and he was interviewing John Stewart  He mentioned how when he first started he was just having fun talking with his comedian friends. He didn't even think that anyone would listen. Then he got some feedback, and listened to it, and his show got better. He also decided it might be more interesting if he got people who were more interesting. He then realized that the conversation should be different if people were going to listen to it. It seemed to work as he just inked a deal for a reported 100 million dollars with Spotify.

Your podcast doesn't have to be perfect when it starts. You want to plan, and determine WHO is your audience and WHY you are podcasting, but in the end your podcast will need to be adjusted as it will steer in a direction that you did not see coming (or you will attract the wrong audience).

Your Podcast Legacy

Thanks to Moxie LaBouche of the Your Brain on Facts show who shared a story about because of Emly Prokop from the Story Behind Podcast getting a book deal when they met at a podcast event (I always say you should go to these things) she got all sorts of information about how to contact the publisher of Emily's book to see if Your Brain On Facts (a podcast similar to Emily's) might also be worthy of a book deal. The answer? It was. So Emily started a podcast which lead to her getting a book deal about her podcast the Story Behind which lead to Moxie getting a book deal. If you add my book Profit From Your Podcast that is three podcasters with book deals.

Your Podcast is Not Your Business – It Is Your Business Card

When I first read Erik K Johnson's blog posts I was blown away. This lead to us meeting at a podcast event (again, you should attend these when you can) and he and I have worked together on the Podcast Review Show for eight years. Erik has decades in radio but now by taking steps deeper and deeper into podcasting more doors are opening up. He had never attended an online networking event, but thought “I guess I'll figure it out.” Figure it out he did. He got some great partnering opportunities to come his way, he was asked to be a guest on some podcasts and found some people to be guests on his Podcast Talent Coach show. Here again, you throw your rock into the water and see what kind of ripples come about. Check out Erik's episode on Partnerships

David Hooper knew me from my newsletter for musicians (David was full time in the music industry at the time). He heard my podcast for musicians. He pitched a deal to a popular radio show in Nashville, TN and since David added, “And it could be a podcast” it was the nudge he needed to get the green light to start Music Business Radio ( a program he still does and produces as a podcast along with Big Podcast, and Red Podcast). Dave shares this story as part of the bonus content for the audio version of this book BIG PODCAST.

Later when Dave needed someone to talk about podcasting for musicians on his radio show who did he call? Me.


Podcast Audiolympics start July 15 – August 5th

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Click for more information

Sponsor: Focusrite

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Check out the interface selector tool that helps you pick the right model for you at their website.

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You can join the School of Podcasting on a MonthlyYearly, or a Three-Month Mentoring Program. If you need feedback on your show sign up for a Podcast Review

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About the Author
Owner of the School of Podcasting. Also produces the "Ask the Podcast Coach." He is also the author of the book "More Podcast Money" and is a regular speaker at podcasting and media conventions.

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