
Who am I? I'm Dave Jackson and I've been podcasting since 2005. I have a bachelor's degree in Education specializing in techncial education, and I feel I can explain anything in terms that make it easy to digest.

Who should Podcast? Anybody with passion for a subject and wants to reach the world

What is a podcast? It's an audio, video, or PDF file delivered via RSS
What is RSS? It stands for real simple syndication. In the same way that every radio station has its own frequency, a blog running WordPress (which is a free software program that allows you to update your website and pdocast at the time) has its own RSS feed automatically.

Podcasting started in 2004, and the numbers have grown every year. When should you start one?

Where do I find podcasts? Podcastalley.com podcast pickle.com itunes.

Where you should learn how to podcast? My site the school of podcasting. We have step by step tutorials and resources to get you going in the right direction.

Where can I get my podcasting questions answered? Webinar?

To be seen as an expert. To get the word out. To build a community. To boost sales. To reach a global audience. To keep your team up to date. To keep your brand in front of your customers.

When you have a topic you are passionate about and want to reach the world.

How much does it cost to start a podcast? Around $200 if you're going to do it right (one time fee). About $20 a month after that. Keep in mind this is to reach a global audience.

How techy do I need to be ? If you have ever sent a picture or an attachment via email, you can be a podcaster. You know how to type, and you know how to manage files 9via attachment).

There is free software to use.

Summer of Podcast Promotion

Your code is “learn”.

Daily Podcast Tips

Daily Podcast Tips! Put Your Inbox to Work

About the Author
Owner of the School of Podcasting. Also produces the "Ask the Podcast Coach." He is also the author of the book "More Podcast Money" and is a regular speaker at podcasting and media conventions.

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