Every now and then I do an episode where you provide an answer to a question and we all learn together. This episode we asked the question, “What will you be doing differently in 2018?”
Here are the people and their answers (in Alphabetical order)
Here is Who Contributed to the Episode
1:50 Abby From atimeforhorses.com – is going to keep podcasting because she is having fun.
3:22 Anna from Authentic Parenting has planned her entire 2018, is going to do deep dives based on audience feedback, and create a form for potential guests.
6:18 Ben from http://modernselfprotection.com/ will be more consistent and is adding a blog to his site, and create some online courses to deliver this content. Dave uses Thinkific to manage the School of Podcasting membership area.
8:50 Brad- wearethecinemaguys.com
11:04 Bryan – engagingmissions.com
13:45 Clay – Fishnerds.com
16:24 Daniel Everybody's National Parks
18:22 Erik K Johnson from Podcast Talent Coach and the Podcast Review Show
20:06 Kim from Toastmasters 101
21:34 Kit from Active Travel Adventures Podcast
22:57 Landen from Calling All Platforms
25:08 Randy Cantrel from Peer Advantage Groups
26:18 Scott from the Computer Tutor podcast (plus a big announcement about Podfest.us)
29:16 Seth from Geekville Radio
31:17 Todd From Trucker Dump Podcast
35:29 Darwyn from Dealing with My Grief Podcast
37:59 Win from Butterflies of Wisdom
39:38 Zack from Rasing (pa)Rents
Some people are adjusting their schedules (wanting to be more consistent, most are planning on doing fewer episodes to avoid burnout, and to provide more time to promote
Some listeners are planning on focusing on running their show like a business and attempt to bring in some income with their podcast
Some are updating their platform by trying interviews (if they were solo) and vice versa (doing solo shows if they were doing primarily interviews)
Some are looking to find ways to engage their audience more by attending events, creating Facebook Groups, and ramping up their social media presence.
Some are having fun doing their show, and because of that they aren't going to change a thing
The bottom line is your show is just that YOUR SHOW and you can do whatever you want. If things are going great, then don't change a thing. If you want to try something, then you can. There is only one way to know if it will work. That is to get it in front of your audience. This can be in the form of an email or Facebook looking for feedback, or by just trying something in your show and seeing what kind of feedback you get.
Next Question Episode
For episode 600 I am breaking format. I am doing what is called an “Ask Me Anything” episode (AMA). I am throwing in one more bit of criteria. You can ask me about anything EXCEPT podcasting. So if you've ever wanted to know the person behind the microphone, now is the time. This feels a little narcissistic, but the people I passed this idea by thought it would be a good way to let people get to know me (just this one time).
I need your questions by January 1st, 2018 (preferably in audio format). Episode 600 is January 8th, 2018. There are different formats you can contact me on my contact page
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