Today I'm talking with The Vice President of Podcast Relations who discusses their new Web Based subscription service. Here are some details of the service.
Revenue from subscriptions will be split 60-20-20. Sixty percent of the profit will go to the podcast producer with Libsyn and MediaPass getting the additional forty percent split between them.
The thought here is you can limit the number of shows that appear in your back catalog on your RSS feed. This means the only place people can get your back catalog is on your website. Now you can block that content and charge people to have access. The bonus of this is once its setup, it takes very little work. You are selling podcasts you've already recorded. To KEEP people subscribed, I would recommend putting out bonus content.
Currently (As this is brand new) it is not in your Libsyn dashboard. If you want to get started contact Rob at
If you want to see this in action go to http://tii.libsyn.com/vip