WordPress 3.0 was rolled out this week. It is a merger of WordPress multi-user and the previous version of WordPress. It has a new default theme called 2010 that allows you to customize the menu system, the background, and easier editing of the footer. The band news is most of the themes available do not take advantage of this new format. I use artisteer to create wordpress themes (I love it) and the theme I created did not work with the new technology (I am using a slightly outdated version of the Artisteer software which could be aprt of the problem).

I really hate the fact that the link to your website in the WordPress dashboard is gone. Yes I know I can work around it, but it made it less user friendly.

If you are looking for the multi-site features they are not “turned on” by default.

In WordPress 3.0, you now have the ability to create a network of sites. To enable the Network menu item, you must first define multisite in the wp-config.php file.

Open up wp-config.php and add this line above where it says /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */:

define(‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true);

For more details on this read the official word from WordPress HERE

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About the Author
Owner of the School of Podcasting. Also produces the "Ask the Podcast Coach." He is also the author of the book "More Podcast Money" and is a regular speaker at podcasting and media conventions.
3 comments on “WordPress 3.0 Initial Reactions
  1. Hi Dave! Thanks to your advice I bought Artisteer and am using the most recent version. I have no problems so far with WP 3.0 and everything seems to be working okay. So maybe you are right and it is the older version that doesn’t cope.

    You said “the link to your website in the WordPress dashboard is gone.” It is actually there at the top left hand side and takes you directly to your home page. You can still preview individual posts in the same way.

    Can I just add how pleased I am that you encouraged me
    a) to get a “face” for the podcast – that is, a website/blog. My friend and I are not recording yet…but building a wee community in our niche ready for when we finally get the podcast going.
    b) to buy Artisteer. It is brilliant and I have built various sites for WordPress for myself and for others using this wysiwyg program.

    Many thanks. Keep up the good work Dave!

  2. Multi-site is resource-intensive–it’s not really a good idea to use it on shared hosting. (If your host didn’t allow WPMU on its shared servers, they’re not likely to be keen on Multi-site.) It’s not really something that inexperienced WordPress users should mess with, which may be why there’s no way to activate it from the dashboard.

    As for the header image, you can always go into the header.php file and comment out the code that displays the blog title and description. And there are tutorials about updating your themes to incorporate WP 3.0 features (e.g. http://millionclues.com/problogging/wordpress-tips/make-your-theme-wordpress-3-0-compatible/), if you’re willing to spend a little time in the code. Those instructions should work just as well for a theme you created in Artisteer as for any others.

  3. Dave Jackson says:

    I’m not sure what the deal was, (or what website I was on), but I now see the name of the website (I swear it wasn’t there a minute ago). Artisteer works great, but the “Special” new menu tricks don’t work with it (yet, they are working it). hose tricks are not for everyone (for me as I might want to have a set of menus for “public” and one for “private”). Thanks for the kind words and keep up the good work.

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