How Much Passion Do You Need to Start a Podcast?
My stepson Alex is 15. For the six years I've known him his Mother and I have been trying (and failing) to get him to go to bed. Now he has his temporary driving permit. Finally we have some real leverage. When we told him if he didn't go to bed sooner, we wouldn't take him driving. He changed his sleeping habits almost immediately. Why? Because he REALLY wants to have his drivers license. He has already gone through taking the written test, he is going to pay to go to driving school (it was free when I went to school), and he will practice, practice, practice. He will go though all those struggles and learning curves because he is passionate about driving.
So when you start your podcast bring the same passion a 15 year old boy who wants to drive. Adds 250 X 250 Banner Into Rotation is a banner exchange website for podcasters (and only podcasters). You upload your banner to your website,create a free account at and point the system at your banner. Then you get a piece of code that you can put into a text widget on your sidebar. When you show other banners on your website, your banner is shown on their website. You can choose what categories you want to display on your website.
Right now there is a small number of users taking advantage of this size so you will see a School of Podcasting banner until more people sign up.
Currently in 2012 has received 10,098,392 impressions and delivered 102,146 clicks to podcaster's website.
If you need a free image editing tool check out
FourSquare Podcast Promotion Tip
Today's tip comes from Derek at If you go to an event where your potential audience might be (and have a smartphone) use the foursquare app and sign in. When you sign in you can put a note. Derek puts a note that mentions you can get free poker tips by listening to his podcast and puts his address. He stated that people have actually discovered his podcast using this approach.
Difference Between Libsyn and
Jeremy from wants to know the differences between and
I went into this in episode 275
The very quick answer is gives your more storage for the money. So if you are on a tight budget is the best choice for you. If you are looking for ease of use, does not require you to login into a separate site. You can do it all from within your WordPress install. When you upload the file, it also can add your ID3 tags. Does this mean Libsyn is hard to use? No. You just have to log into their site (which I do by adding a new tab in Firefox), and upload the file. Then you copy and paste the URL into WordPress. Is that so hard that you'll pay to make it easier? Not for me. also has the ability to provide a free smartphone app for you to sell. can get you on boxes like Roku and Boxee.
If you want to use use the coupon sopfree to get a free month. You can use libsyn with the PowerPress plugin.
New Video Helps Explain How SoundCloud May Not Be a Good Podcast Solution
I made a video that shows how putting a soundcloud player on your website is not the same as having a podcast.
Why Did You Separate All of Your Podcasting Shows?
J.D. Stutter from asked, “Why did you create separate websites for your Power of Podcasting podcast and More Podcast Money?
The idea was to have a site that I could point people to if they asked, “Why should I start a podcast?” I could point them to and the More Podcast Money website is there to promote my book “More Podcast Money.” After thinking about this, I will more than likely start putting those segments into this show.
Marketing Guru Helps You Release Your Inner Podcast Goddess
Angela Bennett has 20 years of freelance marketing experience. Angela states that she is NOT the podcast Goddess, but wants to help you release YOUR inner Podcast Goddess. She has a Podcast Marketing Class (for the record, I have not seen the contents of this course).
Top Marketing Mistakes
When you are too general you are making a mistake. You need to focus on what your audience is looking for. You can take advantage of connecting with any person on the planet. You just need to define who that is, and begin talking with them. You need to think it through from the audience perspective.
Her last five podcasts that she listened to:
School of Podcasting (this podcast)
Site Visibility (Great SEO and Internet Marketing)
Freedom Ocean (Internet Marketing)
Mysterious Universe (Art Bell Kind of Vibe)
Moment of Clarity (Lee Camp)
Moment of Zen (when I want to be peaceful)
Find out more at
Looking to start a podcast? Join the School of Podcasting today.

Really great tips on podcast promotion, Dave.
I especially like the Foursquare check-in tip from Derek. I’ve created a foursquare page for my brand and it’s certainly worth checking out ‘pages’ if you want to leave promotional tips:
I like that you don’t need to be in the location and check-in to leave a tip. I’ve left tips at places in Australia, Ireland and even Russia!
Thanks for featuring Angela Bennett. I recently launched my first podcast (the Shine Springs Farm Shinecast a/k/a the Shine Springs Farm Podcast).
One of the things I’ve noticed in recent months as I’ve studied the art/science of podcasting is the dearth of women podcasters, at least among the topics that I’m interested in. I do find women who are interviewees or supporting co-hosts, but I haven’t found any women outside the entertainment genre who host their own shows. In fact, I thought about starting a podcast for women about podcasting. Now I’m inspired to learn more about Angela and the Podcast Goddess. I hope to get involved in her community.
Thanks for the School of Podcasting discount code. I plan to sign up and give it a whirl. One reason I’ve stayed away from any premium podcast tutorials (yours and others) is that I already had a solid grounding in WordPress and website hosting and didn’t need help developing a topic (I have about a hundred ideas, many of which are doable, if I just had more time). That said, I have probably benefited the most from your School of Podcasting podcasts so I figure it’s time to give something back as a thank-you.
I look forward to getting acquainted.
Thanks so much. Glad to have you.