
About the Author
Owner of the School of Podcasting. Also produces the "Ask the Podcast Coach." He is also the author of the book "More Podcast Money" and is a regular speaker at podcasting and media conventions.

WordPress Tags Are Google Food

When you create a wordpress post for your podcast, are you using the “Tags”feature in WordPress? You should be. The image to the left show how many hits (visitors) I received based on tags that I have put into this podcast. Now this is just a SMALL amount of the tags that have generated traffic…

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More Ways to Monetize Your Podcast

Free iPhone App For Your Podcast Today I have a few ways you can try to monetize your podcast. One (which costs you nothing) is to have Wizzard Media create an iphone app for your podcast. They sell it for $1.99 and you get a portion of the price. They take the rest (as they…

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