Today I'm back from Podfest in Orlando Florida. What a great show, there were tons of brand new podcasters looking to jump into the space. This week we share if you had one podcast episode that sticks in your brain, if so why.
Joining the Podcast Family
4:28 I share how the Podcast Family came to my rescue when I had a device fail when I got to Florida. Special thanks to Marc Johanssen of the Podcast Gear Facebook Group, and Michael O'Neal of the Solopreneur Hour who let me borrow gear to make my session happen when things broke during travel.
My Favorite Episode Is
09:35 Gabe from Guys and Food said his favorite episode(s) were from The Sporkful http://www.sporkful.com/calls-a-root-beer-float-to-cure-the-cancer-blues/ and http://www.sporkful.com/margaret-chos-eating-disorder-advice-to-a-teenage-girl/
Both were poignant and heartfelt depictions of people who are going through pain and the ways that they try to handle it. Their stories are told in an authentic and human way. These episodes stand on their own because of that. However, they especially stand out when juxtaposed to the other, more lighthearted episodes. It reminds me of the TV show MASH in this way.
11:42 Lee From This is Rammy loved and episode of the Social Media Examiner and one of the things he does't is recommend it to his friends.
14:12 Zack Demopoulos of the Rasing Rants Podcast loved the Story of Monty Roberts on the Relaunch Show with Joel Boggess
18:12 Kuldryn from Kuldrin's Krypt loved the emotion behind episode three of the Messengers Podcast
21:30 Emily from the Story Behind Podcast loved the story of Charles Manson's Hollywood.
The Dave Jackson Two Question Challenge
25:36 The first question is what do you like about my show, the second question is what you wish I would change. Write and email with the title of “559” and send in a voicemail, or audio by 3/24
Behind the Scenes of My Podfest Presentation
My presentation got off to a rocky start, this lead to many voice in my head filled with panic. Things weren't turning out the way I wanted. When I was done, as things had not gone the way I wanted, I assumed it was awful. Yet I was approached by people who told me it was a great presentation. I've said this before, if you aim at perfect and miss, you'll land on really, really good.
Quit Obsessing Over Things That Don't Matter
People are failing to launch their podcast because they are obsessed over things that don't really matter (color of website, the player your are using). I don't recommend a podcast based on the player or color of the website.
Mentioned in the Show
Lee Silverstein's Colon Cancer Podcast
Ham Radio 360 Podcast
Kenn Blanchard – Black Man with a Gun

Here is the Joey Coleman podcast episode on customer advocacy from our Social Media Marketing podcast that Lee referenced: http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/customer-advocacy-how-to-get-people-to-talk-about-your-company-joey-coleman/