I get this message more than any question: “How do I grow my audience?”
Here is how you do it. It’s simple – but its not easy.
1. Identify your audience
If you don’t do this, how will you know if your content is something they want
2. Identify your podcast goals
There are many reasons to start a podcast including (but not limited to)
Being seen as an expert
Reaching a global audience
Having better interaction with my customers and future customers
To boost sales of products and services
If your podcast doesn't get you where YOU need to go, you will burnout. You need to identify YOUR goal.
3. Create Content that your audience wants to hear and coincides with your goal
For example: If you want to be seen as an expert, then have answer the top questions your community is asking.
4. Identify where you audience is
Facebook groups, Google Communities, LinkedIn, Meetups, Conventions, etc. Where is your audience?
5. GO to where your audience is
The phrase “if you build it they will come” is a lie. You need to GO to them
6. Make friends with them, and bring value to all conversations
You need to gain their trust. You want them to like you.
7. Tell them about your podcast
If you do this before they know and like you, you are wasting your time as they will ask, “Who is this guy and why do I care about his podcast?” It may also get you banned for spamming.
8. Get feedback from your audience by providing ways to contact you (voice-mail, email, comments, etc) and ASK for feedback.
How can you hit a target if you don't know what it is? (here is an episode on polling your audience)
Repeat steps 1-8
There are many other strategies. If you are looking for the golden switch to turn on 10,000 downloads overnight I’m here to tell you it does not exist. Start with phenomenal content. Embrace your smaller audience at first and get to know them personally. Growing your podcast audience is a marathon not a sprint.
If you want an unbiased opinion on your content and the technology you are using, consider having your podcast professionally reviewed
Here are some other episodes I've done on this topic
Podcast Promotion the Biblical Way
Prodcast Promotion Tools