Today we revisit the topic of Impostor Syndrome (something we talked about in episode 627), as you won't believe who has impostor syndrome (the whole, “Why would anyone listen to me???).
We also share what your favorite episode is and why (some pretty amazing answers thanks to all who participated).
Join the School of Podcasting Worry Free
Worry about sounding bad or unprofessional? Worried about buying equipment you don't need? Worried you'll make all those common mistakes that podcasters make? Then quit worrying and join the School of Podcasting. You get step by steps tutorials, live group coaching, a private mastermind group, and priority email support. You also get a 30-day money-back guarantee (so you can join worry-free). see www.schoolofpodcasting.com/join
Because of My Podcast – I Got to Interview Tony Danza
Willam shares the hoops he had to jump through to get Tony Danza on his podcast. Listen to the episode at
Garth Brooks and Impostor Syndrome
In the docuseries Garth Brooks – The Road I'm On there is a great segment where you learn Garth is the top-selling solo artist of all time, and at the same time is hiding in his hotel room afraid nobody will show up to his concert in central park (they did, almost 1 million people did – making it the largest concert in central park).
Nothing you start ends up where you thought it would. (think about that and I believe you'll find it is true). We worry about failure. I'm listening to a book on Audible called Exactly Where To Start by Philip M Jones. He makes a great point about failure and mistakes.
First, understand the difference between a failure and a mistake. A mistake is incorrectly doing something that you knew specifically how you were supposed to do. A failure is trying something you've not tried before, and it working out differently than you hoped for. Seeing these differences instantly empowers a difference in your acceptance between the two and possibly helps you become more excited about your future failures. – Philip M Jones Exactly Where to Start Get the Audio Book For Free
Take a second and list all of the hard things (or things you perceived as hard at the time) that you have accomplished. You've done more than you think.
What Is Your Favorite Episode and Why?
While this wasn't planned, I love that many of these episodes involved people trying something new, or stepping out of their comfort zone. Thanks to all who participated:
Veronica -Fat Loss Success Stories
Anthony –Route 66 Podcast
Arnie The Football History Dude
Dave – Dealing With My Grief
Curtis –Retrozest Podcast
York – Poetic Earthlings.com
Scott Amazing Maine Podcast
Bill Monroe – Stroke Cast
Matt – The Author Inside You
Dave – The School of Podcasting
August Question of the Month
With so many people answering this month's question who have been doing this a while, How do you keep going? (or why haven't you quit)? For those who have NOT started a podcast yet, What is holding you back? Go to www.schoolofpodcasting.com/question to answer before August 28th, 2020.
Mentioned In This Episode
Exactly Where To Start- Book/Audio Book
Work With My – Podcast Consulting
This transcript was created by a robot. I've done my best to clean most of it up...
Today on episode number 733 we have a cool because of my podcast story. We're going to go back and just revisit ever so slightly impostor syndrome and you won't believe when you hear who has imposter syndrome. And we've got the question of the month hit it ladies. Podcasting since 2005. I'm your award winning Hall of Fame podcast coach, Dave Jackson thanking you so much for tuning in. If you are new to the show, welcome aboard. This is where I help you start your podcast and grow your influence. My website is Schoolofpodcasting.com you might want to write this down. I have a coupon code it's Li s t e n er better known as listener, write that down that'll save 20% off when you sign up for either a monthly or yearly subscription. You can go to schoolofpodcasting.com/join I always like to start off the show with a because of My podcast story, if you can answer this question because of my podcast ________ and whatever the blank is, is something that wouldn't have happened except Well, you had a podcast. I would love to hear that story. Today we're going to hear from William who is the host of the unprofessional development podcast. I will have a link to his podcast out at schoolofpodcasting com/733 wait to hear the story and wait till you hear who he got on his podcast.
So I I go on the Facebook. The book as my as one of my friends cause I'm on the book. I go, hey, how many degrees of separation Am I away from Tony Danza? I like to have him on my teacher podcast Emily's chimes in and says hey, her friend worked with Tony Danza. And I said, that's great. Can you connect me with her? She talks to her and says hey, can you blah blah blah Tony Danza. But she knew this other lady whose name was Harlena. She says to Harlena. Hey, this guy's trying to talk Tony Danza, can you help him out? So I get an email. I call up Harlena and she is awesome, but she didn't have Tony dances direct contact info. She refers me to Joe Connolly. Tony mentioned him in the first chapter of the book. He was a first year teacher, they lunch together, they went out to boxing matches together. So I talked to Joe, Joe is really cool. I say to Joe, listen, this is a really big ask, I understand that you're friends with a celebrity. And you can only ask them so many favors per year before they get annoyed with you and don't want to pay you attention anymore.
Tony Danza is not singing it every bar mitzvah birthday party of all of Joe's friends and relatives. I tell him what the podcast is about. It's teachers talking about teaching stuff . And he said, I'll see what I can do. So then I eventually get a text that says Tony says he's going to be on the podcast.
That is so cool because Tony Danza actually Has history as a teacher, and I'll have a link to where you can listen to the Tony Danza episode. Again, the show's called unprofessional development podcast If you can answer that question because of my podcast _____, I would love to hear from you just simply go out to schoolofpodcasting.com/contact. SPONSOR: If you are thinking of starting a podcast, but there's that little voice in your head that goes, man, I just don't want to get out there and not sound professional and I want my podcast to be good and I don't want to overspend and buy a bunch of stuff I don't need and i don't know i just i hate technology. It's not my friend. I don't know a thing about WordPress, then come check out the Schoolofpodcasting.com. You can join worry free that you are going to sound professional, you're going to sound good because you're going to learn how to really connect with your audience. You're going to find out the best equipment for the smallest amount of money you're going to sound like a million bucks without spending a million bucks and why can you join worry free? If on day 29 you're like, this isn't for me. Let me know you got a 30 day money back guarantee no questions asked schoolofpodcasting.com/joinn, use the coupon code listener to save 20% as of 2020, according to the RIAA better known as the music business, Garth Brooks is the best selling solo album artist in the United States, with 156 million domestic units sold. That's ahead of Elvis Presley and a second only to the Beatles in the total album sales overall. He is one of the world's best selling artists of all time, having sold more than 170 million records. That is a whole lot of Garth going on. And so I was watching a special on Netflix. And Garth, over the years, kind of started to, I don't know, put his personality into it. One of the things I found really interesting about this documentary is how much of it is Garth Brooks who truly appreciates his fans. And I think that is part of his success, and truly understands just how lucky he is that this guy hit the lottery. And he's tried some things that didn't work, hence the Chris Gaines project, which if you actually listen to that album, and quit going, "this is Garth Brooks in a wig." It's not that bad an album. As country music is kind of headquartered in Nashville, Garth came out with a song that was kind of like we should all just love each other, no matter who or what or just Hey, how about we all just Love each other. And there are some people and it sounds odd that actually disagree with that, like, hold on, you know, we start doing inventory of naughty bits. Wait, we got to talk about that. And so that might not have gone over super well and throw on top of it that now he's been asked to do a concert in Central Park. So I want to play you just a few clips from this. It's called Garth Brooks. The road I'm on. Garth Brooks is the biggest selling solo artist in the United States music history. All right, that is the mayor of New York City at the time, the top selling solo artist in history of all time. That's a whole lot of albums going on. I remember
we did the scout and he came out and said, So where are we setting up? I said, I'm going to set it up. So you're looking that way, which is seven football fields and five football fields wide. He looked at it and said Geez, can I fill this place? You know it So big so here's Garth
it's a frickin pasture for miles. I'm going, holy crap, what have I got myself into?
So I bring this up because according to Wikipedia, this man has sold more than 170 million records. Can we just stop and think about 170 million records. Check this out. The day has finally arrived. Garth Brooks plays what could be his biggest concert ever tonight. great venue Central Park right here in New York City. Beautiful day, beautiful night.
He was scared to death that it was New York and if Central Park and then nobody was gonna show up.
He was very anxious about how many people would show up. I think he had the blinds closed the whole day the hotel.
You can hear the helicopters going over the hotel because we're staying right next to park
Sandy's trying to say please, let's just stay, please stage because I want to see what's happening because please, (Sandy is his wife at the time.)
She gets up and she goes, I gotta see what's happening. I said, Don't tell me.
She goes outside
SHe pulls her head back in and she's crying
I said, there aint nobody here is there?
She said, "Garth, they've already opened up the overflow. And according to the news, they're thinking about shitting down fifth avenue."
Now, you can barely hear it here because he's so emotional about this. But he says they're thinking of shutting down Fifth Avenue, which is a huge deal in New York City, that they're just running out of room. But you can see in his face you can hear it in his voice. He truly thought nobody was going to show Up to this concert and it was going to be hugely embarrassing because this is being recorded for HBO.
(Garth) Guy from the parks department hands me a piece of paper. I look at it. And he says that was the Count 90 minutes ago. Are you telling me there's 850,000? He goes, No. I'm telling you, there's 850,000 people out there 90 minutes ago.
I bring this up. Because if somebody who has sold 170 million records can have imposter syndrome. It's perfectly fine for you to have imposter syndrome and to think and why would anyone listen to me? I did an episode on this a while back. You can find it at schoolofpodcasting.com/627. And since then, obviously that was a while ago, I have run across other things that might help you with imposter syndrome. And here's something you can try after Of course, you get done listening to schoolofpodcasting.com/627. And it's so funny, because we know that we can get 50 reviews in Apple podcast, and we can't name one of them. But if we get one one star review, we memorize it like it's scripture. And it's also the same way with our accomplishments. And so when you start thinking, why would anyone Listen to me?, just take a second bust out Evernote or a piece of paper and a pen, whatever you want to do, and start to write down the things you've accomplished. And by that, I mean, anything. Let's go back to this. I remember when I was probably 13, and I was a paper Boy, and I was being trained on that. You know, there was, I don't know, 15 houses on a block. And it would be like, Alright, that one's front door. That one's a skip. That one's a side door. That was the front door, front door, skip, skip, side door, dog, skip, and I remember thinking I'm never gonna remember this. And that's just half the street. The other side was skip, side, side, front, skip, skip front, and I'm and then that's just one street out of like another seven streets. I remember thinking, I'm never going to remember all this. And what was interesting as as I record this on July 26, I was in that neighborhood tonight, and I was driving down the road going side, skip, skip dog front, that person never tipped that kind of thing. You have done amazing things. You just didn't think they were amazing at the time, or maybe you did or you probably missed it. Because you're just like, wow, I was just doing my job. Yeah, but you did it well, and anytime you've put up with hard people that are maybe not so great to work with or family members or you overcome something that you didn't think you have done hard things in the past. Have you ever lost weight that is not easy, and yet you made it through. So I'm just here to say that is absolutely normal to be a little nervous about hitting record and putting it out there. That's absolutely normal. In fact, it's actually kind of a good thing. Because you know why? Because when you do something that takes a little work you are getting outside of your comfort zone. If you've ever been in a relationship, think about how hard it was to pull down your guard and ask for somebody's phone number or pass them a note in class or hold their hand or or any think about how nervous You are the first time you go to kiss somebody and yet you did. You're probably better at that than you were when you did it the first time. And so, keep this in mind and so many people live in the fear of failure. And I'm listening to a book right now on Audible. by Phil M. Jones, I kind of like Phil, he makes these somewhat shorter books that are straight to the point. And they make me think and if you're a new listener to the show, if you can make me think I'm your friend for life, and it's called Exactly Where to Start, the practical guide to bringing your big idea to your life. And I'm going to kind of share this part that I thought this was really cool. He says first, understand the difference between a failure and a mistake. A mistake is incorrectly doing something that you know specifically how you were supposed to do it. A failure is trying something you've not tried before, and it working out different then you would hope for seeing the differences instantly empowers a difference in your acceptance between the two, and possibly helps you become more excited about your future failures. So a mistake is when you have the setting wrong on a Blue Yeti, and now you sound like you recorded in a cave. A mistake is I've never used this microphone before and I'm not sure how I sound so weird. Everybody else sounds okay. But neither one is a means to an end. It's like Well, I'm sorry, I made a mistake. gotta stop can't move forward from here. And if you're new to imposter syndrome, this is the whole Why would anyone listen to me? Who am I to put my voice out into the world? Well, you're you? And there are people out there who need to hear it and I could go on and do a big cheerleader speech here, but I just thought it was amazing that Garth Brooks, who holds this record for the number of albums sold as a solo artist, etc, etc. And he's sitting in his hotel room with the blinds drawn and the curtains drawn, he doesn't want to look outside because he's guaranteed himself that nobody is going to show up. And, you know, almost a million people did. And there are people who are willing, and want to hear your opinion, your insights, your side of the story, and I'm here to help you. It is the last episode of July, man 2020. It's weird, it's flying by and yet it's dragging its tail. But I asked you what is your favorite podcast episode of your show? Because I thought there'd be some cool stories here. And I was right
Hey Dave, this is Veronica hugger, host of fat loss success stories, the podcast that highlights the personal victories of those on the faster way to fat loss of all your questions of the month. This one is the easiest for me to answer so I couldn't help but respond. My favorite episode of fat loss success stories is the next one. Because I know I'll be able to apply everything I've learned from doing the previous episodes to make the next one, the best ever. I'll also apply many of the things that I learned from you. Thanks for all that you're doing to make the podcasting world better. And you can find my next episode at Fat Loss Success stories.com
you know what's really cool about Veronica, is she can actually say I you know, some people I go you know, when I go to these events, I'm a hugger. She can say No, really. I I'm, I'm Veronica hugger. I am a hugger. Thank you, Veronica.
Hey, Dave Anthony Rondo here of the route 66 Podcast, where I talk with people living and working along America's most celebrated highway. Some other road as labeled by john Steinbeck from The Grapes of Wrath, the Willie Rogers highway, the main street of America. Good old route 66. Also as featured on the podcast review show. Let's see my favorite episode would have to be probably Episode Two, where my guests was Michael Wallace, who convinced john Lasseter to make the movie cars after he released Toy Story. Even even played the voice of Sheriff You know what, no, no, no, I think it's Episode Five. My guess was door George Tom sko, who had the number one song in the country with the fireballs sugar shack, way back in 1963. And they're on their way to becoming international superstars while playing up and down route 66. Well, until a few weeks later, when the Beatles came to America in February of 1964, and that ended the band's promising career, as he said, during my talk with him, you know what? No, no, no, Dave This is it, I promise, I promise you No, I just got back from a 2000 plus mile route 66 Road Trip. And I'm gonna have to say my favorite episode has to be the one where my guests are no longer around today. But I feel so honored and privileged to have captured their personal stories featuring their lives along the most celebrated Highway in the world. They tell incredible stories about a road that literally united the country together, especially during the wartime when it was the only road long before the US interstate system was even created. Here's why. You see many of these people are recorded when they were in their 80s and nine These, and they're gone today, just like good old route 66. But their voices and memories will be alive forever. Because of my podcast. Wow. Thank you Dave. Anthony ronto route 66 podcast calm,
Anthony. Thank you so much. Some really kind inspiring words there that make you go Hmm. And does anybody else think that guy's passionate about route 66? Maybe just just a little bit
just a little bit. Hey Dave, this is Dan from based on a true story, the podcast that compares Hollywood with history. Picking a favorite episode is tough. Ask this question again in a few months in might change my answer. But right now, I think my favorite episode would be episode number 147 from January of this year 2020. On that episode, I covered The Imitation Game which is the movie starring Benedict Cumberbatch as Alan Turing all about the codebreakers at Bletchley Park, trying to Break the German Enigma codes during World War Two. The reason why that's my favorite is because it's the first time where I had a guest on who was willing to fact check my work. The movie was a favorite of mine. So it's actually one of the first episodes of my podcast episode number three. But I did that as a solo episode. I mean, I did all the research, writing production and so on years ago, fast forward a few years and the producer of the official Bletchley Park podcast agreed to come on my show, to not only talk about the real history of the movie, but also take the time to fact check that original Episode Episode Number three, as podcasters I think we all understand how cringe worthy that process can be of looking back in our first few episodes, and I know I felt that way sending it over to Mark to fact check. After all, he's the guy who makes the podcast for the place the movie is based on, but Mark was so great. He helped get Bletchley Park special mission to cover it on my show. He even got their historian to do some research to answer a few things that he didn't know himself. We ended up chatting for a couple hours on the podcast. And he spent a lot of time afterward reviewing the episode after it was edited to make sure that it was all good to go. And as a fellow podcaster he even complimented me on the quality of episode number three for many years ago. So that's my favorite episode. And why, thanks for the chance to share and thank you for all you do for podcasters
Thank you, Dan. You can find him at based on a true story. podcast.com or just go out to school of podcasting comm slash 733. Well, I will have links to all this but Dan, I really applaud you for the attitude of please come fact check me because some people aren't really up for that scrutiny. I think a lot of podcasts are sometimes shy away from people really listening to your show. We heard how Anthony was on the podcast. review show. I'm not sure everybody's down for that. I'm not sure everybody wants feedback. They need feedback, but I'm not sure they are. And I love the fact that you like No, no. Cut. Even I know it's Episode Three. But Bring it on. I love that attitude.
Hey, Dave, this is Ernie Chapman, aka the football history dude, where you can find my show the football history dude, podcast over at the football history, dude, calm. And you're right. My favorite episode is of course, like, I'm sure everybody's gonna say on here very difficult to tell you because obviously, it's like trying to name your favorite kid or something. I started off my show with mostly really all solo episodes there for a while for the first year. Then I started interviewing about a year in maybe thereafter. That wasn't quite 100 episodes, but then when I get to my hundredth episode, so that's the one I'm going to choose because it kind of, even though it's not directly related to football history, it was kind of cool. Because I had Dan Carlin on the show, Dan is many podcasters here, I guess you could say, especially if you're interested in history or storytelling, or really anything that revolves around podcasting, because he is just a magician with words on the mic. And I knew that he was into football, but I didn't realize he was so into football and knew much about the history of the game like he did until I brought him on the show. So I thought it was pretty cool that someone wants the best of his status maybe and someone who was just willing to still come on my shows, I think we talked for over an hour, and I turned it into two episodes for that matter. So my hundredth episode with Dan Carlin, talking about football and just going back and forth with a jam session would probably be my favorite episode just because of what it meant to me for talking to my podcasting hero that is versus not just talking to someone that was related to The history of the NFL, but again, my name is Ernie Chapman, the football history dude, that comm is where you can find my show, which actually now takes you over to my podcast page on the sports history network, which is a new venture that I started and if anybody out there has a show that revolves around sports history, well, maybe bam, boom, you should hit me up because maybe we can work out as partners. Alright, thanks again day for everything you do, including this segment of the question of the month. How are we going? Bye.
Thank you, Arnie. And Congrats. If you're new to podcasting, Dan Carlin when he's on Lipson, which is a company I work for, and it's almost like a case of if Dan releases an episode, the lights dim, because he gets so many downloads. I'm making that up by the way, but he gets a ton of downloads. So to have Dan on your show, is a great thing. And also again here I approve. I applaud you, my friend for trying something new with your network. You'll have to report back after like six months or so. And let us know how that's going. Dave? Yes, this is Darwin Dave from the dealing with my grief podcast at dealing with my grief calm. My favorite episode of my podcast is Episode 95, which as it turns out, is an interview that I had with my mother. Now, before you sort of gave me that cringe Look, let me explain why. My podcast is all about how I have been dealing with and in some cases not been dealing with the loss of my father who was murdered when I was 10 years old. That was some 40 plus years ago, and one of the conversations I never had never took the opportunity to have maybe was just a little bit too afraid of the answers was a conversation with my mother about how she handled and how she coped with the loss of my father. certain challenges that she had certain struggles that she experienced, and it was in In January of 2018, that we sat down and we had a conversation and I had the opportunity to ask all of the questions that I wanted to know the answers to. The reason that this is my favorite episode is, as it turned out, it would be the very last serious conversation that the two of us would have. We sat down in January of 2018. The following week after this interview was her 79th birthday. And as it turned out, it would be her last birthday on this planet as she died in October of 2018. So it was nice to sit down and to be able to get some answers to some things I had wondered about for a very long time, and had finally gotten the courage to ask. The other thing that it reminds me of, especially in these days and times because I do still listen to it quite frequently is that with COVID going on, and with people being isolated from their loved ones, maybe this acts as a public service announcement. That maybe just maybe if you haven't already thought about it, maybe you want to sit down and record some of those conversations that you have with your loved ones. If you want to do it via FaceTime, if you want to pull out your podcasting equipment and simply do something in the audio format, more power to you, but I just think that it would be something that would be a lasting legacy are something for you to hold on to. If in case God forbid something happens to your loved ones during this pandemic? Thanks, Dave. I appreciate everything you do. And thank you for giving me the time to voice my opinion on the question of the month. Thanks, but Darwin, thank you my friend, and I guess I'll share this my mom's been gone 31 years. And it's if you want to have a lovely kick in the pants, when you have to look at yourself in the mirror and go. I don't know that I can remember what she sounded like. That's a tough pill to swallow. And when your mom is the person that is always behind the camera taking the pictures but never in front of the pictures. wasn't around when things are getting recorded audio II. So I tell people all the time while they are on the planet, interview your parents, you will thank me later.
Hi, Dave Curtis longclaw here from the retros s podcast where we have a zest for all things retro related whether that be movies, music, toys, video games, or pop culture, you name it. If it's retro related, we cover it. My personal favorite episode of the retro zest podcast is episode number 11, which is a 40th anniversary celebration of AC DC epic album back in black. There's a lot of great information in that episode. It's very informative, it's very entertaining, and I think people will enjoy it. So thank you so much. And you can find me at retro Zacks comm forward slash podcasts. That's our ETR OZ s t.com forward slash podcast.
I will definitely have to check that out as a young teenager. I know that album inside and out on the guitar. Angus Young the guitar player. I have a Gibson SG. Enough said back in black. It's a classic. I'll definitely check that out.
This is York from the poetic Earthlings podcast. what occurred Earthlings is an audio drama, witty, on canny, short stories, sci fi supernatural and everything in between. My favorite episode so far is better version of you. The reason that I like this episode is that there's no narrator. All of my stories have a narrator except for this one. And that was difficult. It was difficult to put all the pieces together all of the characters the story without a narrator. This is good. is a really good thing for for anyone to do is to break format. When you break the format of your show, then it sparks creativity to check out my show. It's poetic earthlings.com Thank you Dave, for all that you do.
York Thank you so much. And again, you know, I love that answer. Why trying something new going out beyond his comfort zone and coming out on the other side going, you know what? That's the best episode. Love it.
Hi, Dave. It's Scott here from the amazing Maine podcast, as I like to say, the unofficial podcast of Maine's history, culture, people and places. Thank you very much for the call a few weeks back, actually several weeks now with the quarantine. But you gave me a lot of great pointers on the website, amazing main podcast calm and a whole bunch of great stuff. I've really tried to avoid the music for nothing, as you said in the opening of my most recent episodes, to answer this month's question. I think my best episode of all was probably my fifth episode. I don't have a lot of episodes up. But my fifth episode was on an event here in Maine called Maine Maple Sunday. That should have happened a few months back. But given the COVID quarantine wasn't able to my guest gentleman by the name of Scott Dunn, he was the head of the Maine Maple Producers Association. And I think it's my favorite episode because I think I came up with the best questions that I could given my limited level of experience with interviewing people. And he was also incredibly knowledgeable and really knew how to explain a lot of the different particulars about producing maple syrup and about the event and what the producers like to do for the public that sort of thing. So I'd have to say that episode five all about Maine Maple Sunday was my best episode. Definitely my best questioning and his and the best answering I could have hoped for. So thanks for all the great work you're doing. really enjoy your show, and hope to talk to you soon. Bye.
Thank you Scott and yeah if you want some one on one consulting I do do that. I do offer that if you go to school of podcasting comm slash work with me, you can see there are a lot of different ways that I can work with you to make sure you're avoiding those common pitfalls like well, music for the sake of nothing. Hey Dave, this is Bill Monroe with the stroke gas data stroke cast comm where a generation X stroke survivor explores rehab recovery, the frontiers of neuroscience and one handed banana peeling. I've done 103 episodes of this show now. And my favorite one, well, it changes pretty much every hour or so depending on what you're asking me. So I would say that right now, at this moment in time, my favorite is probably Episode 96. And in Episode 96, I interviewed Christine Lee, an author and teacher and stroke survivor about the process of writing a memoir and the episode is available at Stroke cast comm slash memoir that's stroke cast comm slash memoir, what I like
about this episode?
Well, first of all, Christine is just a delight. She's smart, she's great to talk to, and she's probably one of my most quotable guests. When I pulled tweets and Instagram memes out of this interview, I ended up with like 20 or 30 of them more than two to three times as much as I get from a lot of other interviews. So that that's great. She's She's like, say she's just awesome to talk to. But I also learned more about the idea of a memoir, how a memoir commit compares to an autobiography, what's involved in that writing process in a way that makes it seem much more attainable for me to go ahead and write my own memoir. So I've always thought about writing a book and since I have A stroke three years ago and going through my whole process and my own show, I've been thinking more and more about how do I put this into a book to share that conversation with Christine earlier in this year, actually, late very late last year, has really given me some new inspiration to sort of think more seriously about this and what I can do, because it's a reminder that, yes, I can share my story in a book as well. And if I look at the sheer volume of content I've produced in the podcast, that's well more than what we go in one book anyway. So you know, talking with Christine about what's involved in writing a memoir, how to write a memoir and how to put all that together was sort of really empowering for me. And I'm sort of looking for a reason to have Christine back on the stroke cast at stroke cast calm again in the future. You can hear that interview again, of course in action. Episode 96 at strip cast comm slash memoir. Thanks a lot, Dave. And I'll keep listening. Bill, thank you so much for sending that in. It's Can you hear the smile in my voice here? I'm smiling ear to ear because I'm listening to these the first time right now with you. And I said the thing earlier about, you know, think about all the hard things you've done in the past step outside your comfort zone. And here is Bill doing it. I love it. I've never heard of the stroke cast, and I'm definitely going to go check that out. I love it. I think it's one of those situations where the only people understand what it's like to recover from a stroke or people that are recovering from a stroke. Hey, David's Matt Rafferty from the author inside you podcast, you would ask about our favorite episode, and I went back and
listened to a few of mine that I thought were my favorites. But there were just some things about them that weren't great, you know, the audio quality or the storytelling. But surprisingly, an episode that we released just this past month in June called it was fonts, and low cost printing was really interesting. We had author Melissa Lyons on and she told some great stories. She had a professional microphone and she was in a quiet environment without any distractions. So when I went back and I listened to it, I really enjoyed the episode, and I got a lot out of it. So if you get a chance, check it out. It's called illustrations, fonts and low cost printing. And even if you're not interested in writing or making a children's book, check out our podcast. You can find it at the author inside you.com Thank
you Dave. Thank you Matt. Always good to hear from Matt from the author inside you.com and that leads to me What is my favorite episode? Why got 700 and something something episodes and some of them I go really did I did that. Okay. So I actually did one called this headset sounds like ass. Yeah, that's an actual title. I look back and cringe when I hear that I'm like, Really? That's what I do. The good news is I can change that name. But my favorite episode, because I thought about I've interviewed some really cool people. I've had Glenda geek on here multiple times just spewing gold. I've had john Lee Dumas I've had Pat Flynn. I've had Eric Johnson. I've had all sorts of people. I've had different episode while you've been here, what am I telling you about? My favorite episode? I alluded it I loaded it is that even a verb? I don't know. I cannot say alluded. I referred to it there we go a little earlier. And it's the one on imposter syndrome. Now, why is that? My favorite because I haven't actually listened to it in a while. But I know it's my favorite, because that's the one that when I put it out. As a teacher, I often feel like the parent in the pool and you're looking up at your child, they got their water wings on. They've got their goggles on, they got the snorkel the air Whatever they need, you're in the pool and you're going jump. I will catch you. It's okay. Jump, please. And they're like, Huh, I don't think so. No. Come on jump. I will catch you honest. It's okay. You have water wings on they go. Yeah, three, two. No not gonna do it. Well, that particular episode for me on imposter syndrome. I had people that emailed me after that and said, Okay, I took the plunge. I'm jumping in. I'm going to start a podcast. I get it. Now. This is normal. And thank you so much for doing that. I shared it with everybody I know. And so for me, it's great to put out an episode that you think is going to resonate with people. It's always interesting because there are some that I kind of go Yeah, and that's the one people like that's the best episode ever. And then I'll work for a week straight on an episode and put it out and people go what crickets, right. So that's one, I think when I first came up with this idea, that's the one that popped in my head. And that's the one and that's why because as a teacher, as a podcaster, you want to connect with your audience. And that's the one I think that I've got the most feedback on, where people said that one, it would either be that one or my interview with Monica Rivera. Monica is a good friend of mine, but she was one that she sat on her microphone for three years, again, imposter syndrome, which is kind of on that. And so that was another one where people said, Hey, I listened to an interview, I finally started recording something. So I will put links to all of these out in the show notes at school of podcasting comm slash 733. Thank you to everyone who sent in your answers. I deeply appreciate it. And as I listen to this back, like I think this is, I feel, this is one that I'm happy to put out and go live This, this is a good episode. Because you're hearing people step out of their comfort zone, you're hearing people that are, you know, in some cases getting results that they weren't expecting. And yet, if they don't do it, then you don't get any results. And you've got to you can't approve something that doesn't exist. So I just loved everybody's responses. Thank you so much. So what is the question of the month for August? And I think this is going to be an interesting response. It's always kind of fun. If you remember an idea, by the way, if you're like, hey, Dave, I have an idea for the question of the month. You should ask everybody this. I'm also down for that. You know, I am the man behind the microphone, but I'm always open to bigger and better ideas. I will need this by August 28 2020. Because the last episode will be out on Monday, the 31st And the question of the month is because we heard a lot of numbers here I'm on episode this. I'm on episode 96. I'm on episode this adapted that. Great. And I don't mean this in a mean way. I mean this in a way we just talked to Glenn, the Geek Hiebert last week. He's done 2500 episodes of horses in the morning. So that's kind of what inspired this question based also on everyone here, who is who chimed in today. You guys have been doing this a while. And that's my question. Why haven't you pod faded yet? That sounds so weird. And what's the deal with you? Why haven't you pod faded yet? But know, what keeps you going? For the person who's thinking of starting a podcast or for the person that's on episode six? And they're like, I don't know. What has kept you going with your podcast? Because a lot of you that answered, have been doing this a while now. I don't want to leave out the folks who haven't started a podcast yet. Maybe you're one of those people like me. You're fighting that imposter syndrome. And that would be my question to you. Why haven't you started? What is stopping you from starting? So if you haven't started a podcast, why not? And if you are doing a podcast, what's kept you going? That is the question of the month I needed by August 28 2020. And that is anytime on that date. Because come Saturday, I'm going to start assembling these. The best place to go is to go to school of podcasting comm slash question. You can use the speakpipe thing there. You can upload if you've recorded something there. I do prefer these in audio. Some people like to respond to these in text, but it's an audio podcast and it sounds so much better when it's in your voice than mine. So again, School of podcasting comm slash question, I thank you in advance And oh, by the way, be sure to mention your podcast and your website so I can drive a little traffic your way Couple things you might want to check out courtesy of pod dot events. That's pod dot events. The global podcast Leadership Summit from rain, or rain news is coming up on July 29. How to monetize your podcast organized by audio train that is coming up on July 31. Another one of note is the pod fest global summit. This is August 10, through the 15th. And in addition to all the great content that you come to know from pod Fest, this one has they're working with the Guinness Book of World Records to set the record for the largest virtual podcasting conference. And speaking of another large virtual content conference, excuse me, podcast movement, as decided to cancel their one in Dallas this year understandably, for COVID and they have won in October now the podcast movement virtual and that is now in October 19 to the 20 So those are some notable ones. For more events, check them out over at pod dot events. That's pod dot events. Thanks so much to everyone who again chimed in. On this episode. I deeply appreciate it. And there is a little imposter syndrome and me that goes. Yeah, that's in my head. I'm here to tell you. It's really bizarre. In the future, I will be talking about a mistake I made recently that is one of the biggest mistakes you can ever make as a podcaster. And I'm going to explain how the heck did that happen, Dave? And what actually happened to my audience, if anything, as well as anything else you would like to hear me talk about you can always go out to school of podcasting, comm everything you need out there. If you want to contact me, if you want to work with me, you want to subscribe to the show. You want to sign up for the newsletter and get that awesome Wednesday podcast, halftime report. It's all out there at school of podcasting Comm. Thank you so much for listening. Until next week, take care God bless class is dismissed. But my favorite episode I alluded to it, I alluded it alluded at, Bill, thank you so much for sending that in when you first said it was the stroke cast, I gotta tell you, I was like, Oh, is this about masturbation? And then you said, No, it's about people recovering it. And then you said, you learn how to peel banana with one hand and I was like, wait a minute, because that definitely sounds like slang like what are you doing? I'm on fire book computer and peel banana with one. I'm sorry. Sherry, I'm sorry. Every time I do anything remotely sexual Sherry gets upset. Sorry, peeling the banana with one hand sounds like so what are you doing? I don't know. 13 year old boy. I caught him peeling a banana with one hand. I have the brain of a third grader. What can I say?
Table of Contents
[00:56] Because of My Podcast –
[03:20] Join the School of Podcasting Worry Free
[04:21] You Won't Believe Who Has impostor Syndrome
[10:09] Overcoming Impostor Syndrome
[13:05] Mistakes vs Failure
[15:39 ]What is your favorite episode of your podcast
[40:26 ]August Question of the Month
[43:00] pod.events
[44:09] What is coming
[45:13] Bloopers