
About the Author
Owner of the School of Podcasting. Also produces the "Ask the Podcast Coach." He is also the author of the book "More Podcast Money" and is a regular speaker at podcasting and media conventions.

Time Shift the Gold

I was speaking with Rabbi Steve again, and he was very excited as he is preparing to launch his podcast. He was able to score an interview with an “A list” celebrity in his niche. When he spoke with the person they told him he had 15 minutes for the interview. It turns out this…

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Podcasting Still Making Headlines

Stuff You Should Know Podcast Featured in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution A recent article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution mentioned that two guys in their 30s recording in a studio in Atlanta. The Podcast is Stuff You Should Know. The article mentions that it is number 7 on the “Best Podcasts of 2010? list in iTunes. What does that…

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